Sunday, June 12, 2011

Yarn "Bombing"

a little while ago in my adventures on google i came across this article... Yarn Bombing which of course sparked my interest and caused me to do another search and i came up with these sites...

International Yarn Bombing Day (was yesterday!)

How to yarn bomb

International Yarn Bombing Day on Facebook

among many many other pages...

these people are fearless! i envy them! although this is being considered vandalism in many places i do think its alot better then someone taking spray paint or markers to a public fixture. i mean in the end if there really is a problem with the yarn they could always cut it off (as sad as it would be). i read alot of news articles on this and for some reason people are getting very offended by it. i just keep thinking i would much rather sit on a bench covered in yarn then one made of just wood or metal...but hey maybe thats just me. these people cover everything from light poles to large statues! i think one of my favorite pictures i came across today was on a chain link fence by what looked like a dingy construction zone they lined it with beautiful colored flowers complete with stems and leaves! i would much rather look at that then a dingy fence on the out skirts of a construction mess! i am really in awe of this, i just wish i had guts enough to try it at least once! from what i understand yesterday was international yarn bombing day, i am currently on the hunt for some articles on large groups that got together to take part in this. it has been a very long time since i was so starstruck if you will...and now onto my search for yet some more information!

hmmm someone just made a very good point to me about this... she said she could find much better uses for the time and yarn such as making items for charity... as if i wasnt torn enough on the matter! the rebel artist in me is saying "woah dude that amazing" and now the practical part of me is like "that really is a waste of time and yarn" *sigh* this is what happens when you are an artist in multiple medias!

1 comment:

  1. I have to say I also said "Whoa that is cool." But then I was also saying, "But it's such a waste.." But seeing as it is vandalism and it's most likely to get cut down the next day.. it really is a totally waste. they could always go decorate the trees and stuff in their own yard if they really wated to show it off without doing it illegally.
