Sunday, June 12, 2011

a great place for crocheters!

well this is going to be all about the wonderful forum called crochetville! its a place where i have been able to not only share my crochet but ive also been able to ask questions, connect with people and learn so much! you can find a place to talk about anything and everything which is perfect because in all honesty where in the world are you going to find such a large range of ages and cultures all connected by one simple thing...crochet! i would compare this site to a web made of yarn, each of us as members are holding a strand and slowly weaving a web of knowledge and friendship.

i am currently running a crochet-along on this forum also known as a CAL...generally speaking its when a bunch of people are working on the same project or similar projects. the one that i am running is a mystery cal, only i know what the finished item will be and each week (on fridays) i post a new "clue" which is just another part of the pattern... so far everyone who is doing it seems to be having a good time with it...i am loving running it and seeing all of the guesses (beach ball, hat, mini cooper car cover, beach bag...) i didnt think running it would be as fun as being someone that is in the dark but i have proven to myself that it is. maybe its because there was such a demand for it but no one wanted to host and i took that on full force or maybe its simply because the people i have connected with while running this are full of personality and make the experience so great! either way i would do this a thousand times over!

i have yet to really run into anyone on here that is unhelpful or mean...i absolutely love the members and am sooooooo proud to be a part of this. i know this sounds like a sales pitch but i just wanted to share my love for the forum and the friends i have made on there. i hope to make many many more and to learn as much as i can from everyones crochet experience.

thanks for keeping me inspired!

Yarn "Bombing"

a little while ago in my adventures on google i came across this article... Yarn Bombing which of course sparked my interest and caused me to do another search and i came up with these sites...

International Yarn Bombing Day (was yesterday!)

How to yarn bomb

International Yarn Bombing Day on Facebook

among many many other pages...

these people are fearless! i envy them! although this is being considered vandalism in many places i do think its alot better then someone taking spray paint or markers to a public fixture. i mean in the end if there really is a problem with the yarn they could always cut it off (as sad as it would be). i read alot of news articles on this and for some reason people are getting very offended by it. i just keep thinking i would much rather sit on a bench covered in yarn then one made of just wood or metal...but hey maybe thats just me. these people cover everything from light poles to large statues! i think one of my favorite pictures i came across today was on a chain link fence by what looked like a dingy construction zone they lined it with beautiful colored flowers complete with stems and leaves! i would much rather look at that then a dingy fence on the out skirts of a construction mess! i am really in awe of this, i just wish i had guts enough to try it at least once! from what i understand yesterday was international yarn bombing day, i am currently on the hunt for some articles on large groups that got together to take part in this. it has been a very long time since i was so starstruck if you will...and now onto my search for yet some more information!

hmmm someone just made a very good point to me about this... she said she could find much better uses for the time and yarn such as making items for charity... as if i wasnt torn enough on the matter! the rebel artist in me is saying "woah dude that amazing" and now the practical part of me is like "that really is a waste of time and yarn" *sigh* this is what happens when you are an artist in multiple medias!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Some of my favorite patterns

i have found some patterns that i just LOVE... ones that i always end up going back to and using over and over again...

Little Star Blanket - i love this one, i feel it is very unique for a baby blanket and it works up easily and quickly. not to mention it is beautiful in any and all colors!

Ripple Baby Blanket
- this pattern is what i used to make my very first ripple. i then decided to add some stitches to the pattern and make a larger one for my oldest daughter, which is what i am working on right now. i have always had a hard time with ripple patterns but for some reason this one worked for me and i love the way it works up.

the patterns above are like my all time favorite ones. i do have a favorite site that i look at all the time for patterns and ideas, i would say that this site is by far the best collection of crochet patterns out there for free, i would even say its like hitting the jackpot!

Crochet Jackpot!

at some point in time i am really going to need to start writing up the patterns that i have made on my own. right now i have a ton of stitches, rounds, and rows just swimming around in my head! forget about the countless ideas i have yet to make a pattern for, i have gone through a time that everything i saw i could picture it in crochet. its an illness i tell you! i am a crochet addict, and proud of it!

inspired...or something

both of these projects were started and completed within 2 weeks time...i hadnt crocheted in a long while and then one day i just decided that i was going to pick up my hook and make some things... i started them both at the beginning of this month...i must have been inspired or something...who knows...

this first one is a baby blanket i made for my sister-in-law who is due at the end of july with a little girl she will name claire.

this one is the baby blanket i made for my little girl who is due in august. this was also my very first ripple blanket! i think it came out rather well! i didnt take a picture of the finished blanket but this was the halfway point! oh and see that arrow pointing to my belly??? my little girl wanted to jump in on the picture as well! i guess she likes the blanket already!

Then & Now

i taught myself to crochet in 2002 when i found out i was pregnant with my 1st child... my grandmother had always tried to teach me but i never got further then making a chain. oh yes i would have miles and miles of chain. my first project was a blanket that i made for my child that was on the way, she was due in august of 2003. it was multi colored and actually what made me decide to start crocheting was because i found a bag of the yarn that belonged to my grandmother and she has started this item which looked to be the start of a baby only had maybe 5-6 i played with it and figured out how she made the stitches and i went ahead and finished it for my daughter! below is a picture of the blanket....

since then i have made many many things...i have taught myself to read patterns as well as write them... here are some photos of things i have made over the years...